Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 14: New Incarnations

new incarnations of the lilies I planted long ago arose this morning -
and now this poem is about three flowers - carnation, lilie, rose
and what of my own work is blossoming?

the lilies have a powerful self-understanding
six weeks of elegant beauty before they are dirty, blood tipped swords
standing proud, then falling, one by one, on the dry dirt

and what about the roses
with their petals soft and unfolding, their fragrance - so much like a young girl-
cut them off before they get too haughty
anything too haughty is unattractive
besides, new buds will come and will need to be taught well

carnations? I've never seen them growing
what is their natural habitat?
they are like a rare bird in a zoo
never haughty, you can depend on a carnation
it will stand in the supermarket on its strong and slender legs at the ready
in various nature and man made colors, waiting to fill in the blanks in an otherwise grand bouquet

carnation, lily, rose
girls, you're perfect just the way you are
and my own work that is blossoming
is, too

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