Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thoughts On Samskaras and Bindu and Science and God

Some Thoughts on Samskaras and Bindu and Science and God and Maybe They All Go Together

Samskaras are the seeds of karma. Imagine a garden shed with a drawer of seeds your great grandfather collected. Maybe there are seeds there which he received from his great grandmother. You are now the owner of your great great great great grandmother's seeds.

Now imagine you actually lived in the time of this ancient grandmother. You collected a lifetime of experiences back then. Some of the effects of those experiences came into fruition during the lifetimes between then and now (karma) and some didn't. Just as many seeds were planted by your ancestors and some remain in the drawer, unused, samskaras exist in your consciousness.

We carry our history with us. We know that, but maybe we never really cared to explore the history older than the bones of our physical body. Maybe our religion doesn't believe in multiple lifetimes, so we don't. I don't give much thought to past lifetimes, either.

We know all about actions and consequences from our present time on earth. We don't need to look farther back. Besides, if we lived multiple lives we probably have multiple lives left to live, and sometimes that's a debilitating thought.

Still, karma and samskaras exist now. How do we know?

I am not a scientist or a master yogi but I like their ideas. One person sharing their ideas, especially when those ideas are not the norm, creates more space for another person to do the same. There's a name for that; it's called collective resonance. When one person chooses to look at things differently another will, too. Similarly, when you do something to one electron, another electron will be effected. Why? Because according to many, there's only one of us here! All particles were once one small thing, the size of a pea. Those particles began expanding, and they kept expanding until everything was made. They're still expanding, but all particles are always connected. The word bindu means a dot or small point. From that point came everything in existence. Bindu also means potential. It's all stored in that point. In Christianity, that one thing is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." Every kundalini yoga sadhaka knows at least that Bible quote!

The Age of Aquarius will be known, they say, by the marriage of religion and science. God is the thing. The bindu.
We know karma and samskaras exist now because we see the power of cause and effect within our chemical make-up, that electron being manipulated creates a manipulation in the other electron. That one thing continues to expand without losing its connection to all other particles.

Here's something Quantum Physics calls "The Measurement Problem", which is the idea that something exists only when you're looking at it, when you have a conscious relationship with it. They say there are no objects, actually, just relationships. Wo. What happens to something when you're not looking at it? How can something only exist when we are in relationship with it?

We are always relating with our karma. It's here, and the dormant seeds are waiting to be used. If I lived before then I must have brought a lot of seeds with me into this life. Maybe that's why I sometimes make careful decisions and I sometimes am just driven to make others. I don't think one way is always better than the other. And I don't think karma and samskara are the only things motivating me. But the clearest action is taken when the karma is worked out and the dormant seeds are burned through the practice of yoga. It might take many lifetimes. Catholics don't believe in those, but they do believe in the words of Jesus, a man who chose to look at things differently, who said do unto others what you would have them do unto you. That sounds like karma. Yoga burns samskaras. Put them together and you have a nice marriage joined together by science. Or just God.


adam said...

The perfect read (2 or 3) times before sleep. I often find that what I last read becomes part of my dreamscape. I hope tonight is one of those nights. Goodnight Miss Rosie. Keep on writing.

Unknown said...

SatNam Rosie , beautifully said ..I like to know that we can burn threw our samskaras threw yoga .just to name one of the many benefits...Keep on writing I look forward to it