Sunday, May 29, 2011

Day 29 (NoNo's Birthday) : Today's Weather

The sky is grey with rambunctious potential
I like it this way
except our world has seen enough unforgiving heavens.
This morning I feel as though I'm looking up into the next disaster.
What happened to the mornings when the rain made me smile
and run to the nearest book, paper, and pen?
Pink bougainvilea flutter happily as wind lifts their dresses.
Tangerine leaves cheer.
They're all clapping now.
Bring it on, they seem to say.
Wind. Rain. Storm.
This is California!
And you know what they say about us;
We're fruits and nuts, raw and wild and passionate.
Stand outside and let God toss you around.
Thank you, I say, but He does that fine from in here.
But you're right.
I'm a fruit, a nut, and a flower
standing in life with my dress fluttering and my hands clapping.
Thanks for reminding me.

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